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Flamage's Portal : Feature List Sort Options Feature Request RSS Feed
Flagged for Future Version
ID Feature Date By Interface Notes
69 Full text search. 04/10/14 03:23 PM Flamage Librarian Book Manager None.
70 Books available between characters 04/10/14 03:45 PM Flamage Librarian Book Manager None.
Currently Working On
ID Feature Date By Interface Notes
72 Book discovery toast 04/10/14 03:45 PM Flamage Librarian Book Manager None.
Under Review
ID Feature Date By Interface Notes
89 Switch between 12 and 24 hour clock. 04/12/14 06:45 PM Flamage Librarian Book Manager None.
90 Sort / Show the type of parchment 04/12/14 06:46 PM Flamage Librarian Book Manager None.
92 Font size setting 04/12/14 07:39 PM Flamage Librarian Book Manager None.