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Latest patch causes looting to bring up error message
Bug #: 1007
File: Teh Inept Looter
Date: 08/06/14 03:22 PM
By: GunStore
Status: Fixed

I really like using this plugin but the latest patch seems to have broken it.

The GetBagInfo method has been replaced by GetBagSize method ( [Look for GetBagInfo])

To fix it I have replaced all lines that reference GetBagInfo (local icon, bagslots = GetBagInfo(BAG_BACKPACK)) with local bagslots = GetBagSize(BAG_BACKPACK) which include Line 315, 415,476, 519)

I did a quick scan of all other files but could not find any other references to this line. Not sure if there are any other places.

Hope this helps

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By: ItseyBitsey - 08/12/14 02:37 PM
Hi, thanks very much for this Gunstore. The patch took an age to download on my PC and I haven't even got in game since then. Will check it out tonight and let you know.
By: ItseyBitsey - 08/12/14 03:00 PM
You Sir (or Madam) are a star! The most awesome bug report ever including how to fix even with links to the documentation. A thing of beauty you are! By the way if you ever want the real code let me know - I'd super happily share it - the download contains "stripped" code without any debug info in so its much harder to read.