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colors and names not appearing
Bug #: 1017
File: Rainbow Reticle (updated)
Date: 08/10/14 05:34 PM
By: theHollow
Status: Cant Reproduce
Hi - loved this tool, worked great until 1.3.3. I use minion and updated it to the newest when it came out. Currently it is not displaying at all (stopped at 1.3.3). I disabled and enabled. I can see the controls in the Addons with the Garkin stuff, and it all looks good. Still no info on reticle. Does this work with Wykkyds Full Immersion? If the setting are not supposed to be in the Garkin stuff (with minimap, souschef, etc) then where are they?

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By: mctaylor - 08/12/14 05:56 PM
The behaviour is slightly different than it was for v1.2.3 ("Veteran Crypt of Hearts"), it does not colour for all friendly players and NPCs; only hostile "mobs", friends (on your friends list), guild and group mates. This makes it consistent with the original version, and (I think) less distracting.

If you want the reticle to be colored for all players and NPCs, then you should un-install this one (sorry), and install Garkin's latest version of [url= Rainbow Reticle (Update 3)]. It should behave the same as it did before.
By: theHollow - 08/10/14 05:49 PM
So, I unistalled, installed Garkins, uninstalled Garkins, the re-installed yours. After that, I was able to get NPCs, but still no friendlies. Help??