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No marks on ingredients
Bug #: 127
File: Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)
Date: 04/11/14 11:16 AM
By: hjortron
Status: Fixed
looks like I'm having some problems with Sous Chef: ingredients are not always marked, even if I know the recipe.
For Example, Allertau Hops is correctly marked with a II, while Black Tea, Stock, Horker Meat, Sifted Flour, Suet, Desert Heather, etc. are not, even if I have recipes for them and cooked the correct food with them.

To solve the issue I tried to delete both the SousChef folder and the SousChef.lua in the SavedVariables folder, extracted once again SousChef v.1.1, started the game client, but nothing changed when I opened my inventory.
I play with the EU version of the client.

Please help!

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By: Wobin - 04/11/14 11:30 AM
Will look into this
By: Wobin - 04/11/14 09:42 PM
ok, update posted
By: Zadias Stark - 04/19/14 11:10 AM
Having the same issues. many of the ingredients do not have a level mark
Barley, Canis root. caramalt, concord grapes, crawldad, Garlic, hallertau hops, jazbay grapes, juniper berry, lado grapes, molasses, oat mash, potato, saaz hops, saltrice, sifted flour, snake slime, snowberry, spring essence, stock, suet, sweetmeats, white grapes.

Also many do not have a recipe tooltip
By: Zadias Stark - 04/19/14 12:09 PM
have now been looting in level 30 area and also missing level marks for alot.
By: Wobin - 04/19/14 06:50 PM
what do you get with /scstats?
By: Zadias Stark - 04/19/14 08:17 PM
number of recipes known 43
Number of ingredients tracked 45