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UI Error after Aug 31 patch
Bug #: 1439
File: Ravalox' Quest Tracker
Date: 08/31/15 06:54 PM
By: Marcus
Status: Fixed
user:/AddOns/wykkydsQuestTracker/code/Methods.lua:232: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/wykkydsQuestTracker/code/Methods.lua:232: in function 'GetQuestForHeading'
user:/AddOns/wykkydsQuestTracker/code/Methods.lua:288: in function 'GetAllForUI'
user:/AddOns/wykkydsQuestTracker/code/UserInterface.lua:556: in function 'LoadZones'
user:/AddOns/wykkydsQuestTracker/code/UserInterface.lua:621: in function 'Create'
user:/AddOns/wykkydsQuestTracker/code/UserInterface.lua:57: in function 'QuestTracker'
user:/AddOns/wykkydsQuestTracker/addon.lua:291: in function 'Initialize'
user:/AddOns/wykkydsQuestTracker/addon.lua:300: in function 'onAfterStartupCallback'
user:/AddOns/wykkyd_core_libraries/LWF/LibWykkydFactory4.lua:7133: in function '(anonymous)'

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By: Ravalox Darkshire - 09/08/15 09:25 PM
Are you saying that you get this UI error for QT and Mailbox? If your game client shows that the addons are outdated, then they most likely did not update correctly. Please check that the date/time on the Quest Tracker addon.lua file is 9/5/15 @ 03:14 and the Mailbox addon.lua file is from 5/27/15 @ 01:30

Mailbox was not changed for the 1.7 update (other than the API reference change). Though this is not the correct place to be discussing Mailbox, please not that the only known bug with Mailbox is if you click on the envelope icon to change to the send screen while viewing an email that "can" be replied to. If this is your issue there, then be sure to use the Reply button.

Currently Quest Tracker's only issue is the visual update of the QT UI window. This is being worked on now. The UI error was eliminated as of the 9/5/15 @ 03:43 release (
By: NightFae - 09/08/15 09:10 PM
You said this is corrected, yet while i have this or the mailbox running i still cant use EITHER of them. they both say out of date on my add on list.
By: Ravalox Darkshire - 09/05/15 03:42 AM
Corrected as of 9/5/15 @0130
By: Ravalox Darkshire - 08/31/15 10:23 PM
I can confirm that we are seeing the error as well. This is occuring because ZOS changed their internal Quest Tracking code. I have to track down all of the routines we used and adjust.