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Character Not Centered in Some Menues and Crown Store Not Centered
Bug #: 1500
File: Wykkyd Multi-Screen
Date: 10/27/15 09:11 PM
By: Danielzxzx
Status: Unconfirmed
When you go into the Crown Store menu, the menu is not centered to the middle monitor unlike every other menu.

Also in the following menus, my character is not centered in the middle monitor but instead to the right and is being blocked because of my bezel correction. Crown Store, Skills, Journal, Collections, Group, Friends, Guilds, Alliance War, Mail, Notifications, Help.

Here are some screenshots:
Crown Store and Character Not Centered:
The character not being centered in that screenshot is the same as the other menues I listed above.

How it should look:
Nothing wrong in this screenshot. Just something to compare to. This is what it should look like.