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UI Error on load (nil value error, I think)
Bug #: 1532
File: Master Merchant
Date: 01/09/16 09:18 PM
By: fadingideals
Status: Unconfirmed

First - this addon is great and it has served me well for...well, since installing, haha.

But for the last few days I've been getting UI errors on login and MM doesn't work (pricing data is unavailable for linking or even showing when hovering on an item). I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling and increasing my lua memory limit - but the problem remains.

The error on load reads as:

user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_Guild.lua:185: operator <is not supported for number <nil
stack traceback:
user:/Addons/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_Guild.lua:185: in function
user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant.lua.2417: in function 'MasterMerchant:Initialize'
user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant.lua:3016 in function 'OnAddOnLoaded'

Checking Bug Reports here, I see multiple reports of what appear to be the a similar issue. However - the original report (posted April 3rd, 2015) refers to making an update to the MM lua file that doesn't seem to match up to the current version's file.

Also - it looks like at least two other users have reported similar issues (one bug report from October 17, 2015 and another on November 17, 2015) but I'm not seeing a more recent fix provided.

Any ideas on a fix?

Thanks again for a great addon, though! Just hoping to get it working for me again.