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MM 1.90 Cannot Be Loaded - Dependency Error
Bug #: 1731
File: Master Merchant
Date: 06/02/16 04:19 AM
By: Shadowshire
Status: Unconfirmed
Before I updated MM to ver. 1.90 after the Dark Brotherhood DLC patch, ESO showed only that it was outdated and the game client would load the outdated version when "allow outdated" was enabled.

After I downloaded and installed the version 1.90 package to update MM, the ESO AddOns feature reported that MM could not be loaded because of a "Dependency". First, a dependency was shown for each of the MM##Data folders until I enabled MM00Data, then all of them were enabled as a group. Second, though, a dependency error was shown for the primary Master Merchant add-on folder. The folder is listed on the display as "Master Merchant 1.8.6 by Philgo".

So I compeletely deleted all Master Merchant files, including the ones in Saved Variables. Then I restored the entire installation from a file backup which was made by my computer early on Tuesday, 31 May, while Zenimax Online was offline, installing the Dark Brotherhood DLC on its servers.

Unfortunately, doing so did not resolve the problem. The files are shown as out-of-date, of course, but the primary Master Merchant folder is shown as having a Dependency error and it cannot be loaded. That surprises me because, on the face of it, that should not occur after a restoring a backup made of a functioning installlation. If the cause of the Dependency error was introduced in the newly-installed DLC and upgrade patch, then it should not have allowed me to re-enable MM by allowing out-of-date add-ons to load and run (before I installed the MM update).

That said, after I began playing the newly-updated game, a Lua UI error dialog was displayed which reported errors in Votan's Rune Tooltips and Harven's Trait & Style, and in "EsoUI". The latter seems to be a library file. The really peculiar aspect of the dialog is that my character was not accessing any of the add-ons for which errors were reported at the time the dialog was displayed -- he was wading through a stream of flowing water, far from any crafting station, bank, or guild trader.

If you want a screenshot of that dialog then please message me @Shadowshire in-game, and I will upload it to Imgur and send the URL to you.

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By: Shadowshire - 06/02/16 11:23 PM
The situation was resolved by deleting the MM 1.9.0 package that I previously downloaded, then downloading another one from ESOUI. When I installed that one, after deleting all of the MM files from the Add-Ons folder, the game client accepted it as updated and loads all of it now.