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Does Not Work
Bug #: 1733
File: Potion Maker (for Alchemy Crafting)
Date: 06/02/16 07:05 PM
By: Shadowshire
Status: Unconfirmed
The first time that I accessed an Alchemy Workstation after updating the Potion Maker installation, there was only one panel which displayed a truncated list of formulas that I had kept as favorites and it could not load the solvent and reagents for any of them into the crafting UI. Using Search returned a blank panel. The next time that I accessed an Alchemy Crafting Station, Potion Maker displayed TWO panels, neither of which displayed any favorites or anythin else on its UI except the three option lines.

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By: votan - 06/03/16 12:40 PM
Found it. confirmed.
Bug is gone, once switching tab. Therefore I never realized that.
By: votan - 06/03/16 04:02 AM
Hi Shadowshire,

can you please re-check your settings. And what language do you use?