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Game Crashes On Character Load with Master Merchant Enabled
Bug #: 1740
File: Master Merchant
Date: 06/04/16 05:21 PM
By: wrathofinnos
Status: Unconfirmed
Been trying to update MM. Tried MM 1.9.2 with ESO 2.4.5 and could not logon on any characters without crashing. Disabled addons one by one and determined MM was the problem (not any of the MM data files, they can be enabled without any issues). Attempted to update to version 1.9.1, 1.9.0, and 1.8.6 and saw the same thing. Last I had success with was 1.7.2. Also made sure my LUA memory was high enough in case this could be causing problems, changed it from 64 to 512, but still crashed. Also if I disable MM main addon I can login on any character, but if I enable it while logged in and reloadui the game crashes. Please help, this is the best addon for ESO.

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By: wrathofinnos - 06/04/16 05:29 PM
Ignore my comment about 1.9.2, just tried 1.9.1, 1.9.0 and 1.8.6.