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Inventory info bar remains on craft bag
Bug #: 1794
File: Craft Bag Extended
Date: 08/03/16 10:17 AM
By: silvereyes
Status: Fixed
Baertram @Baertram 10:33
@silvereyes333 Maybe this got nothing to do with your addon CBE but: Sometimes the normal inventory loses his information about the inventory space left, bank space left, tel-var stones and gold
All labels are all of sudden transferred to the CraftBag
This is reproducible if I change from my inventory to the craftbag, then to my mail send panel, there to the CBE craftbag, then press "i" to get to the inventory again (which will show my craftbag that was last opened there) and switch to the normal inventory button afterwards. The craftbag got the labels with the gold etc. now and the inventory doesn't anymore
This does not happen if I manually close the mail send panel before I re-open my inventory again. Seems to happen only if I directly open the inventory from the mail send panel by pressing the shortcut key on my keyboard

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By: silvereyes - 08/06/16 11:23 AM
Was supposed to be fixed in version 1.5.0, but nope:

@silvereyes333 About the hiding inventory information (bag space, currency etc.) with CBE: The bug is sometimes still there if you switch between the inventory, craftbag, directly to the mail panel, back to inventory (craftbag) and then to the guild bank, switch between guild bank withdraw and deposit and then the craftbag -> directly to the mail panel by pressing the keybind. Sometimes the information gets lost at the mail panel's craftbag (CBE) then, or at the guild bank's deposit tab then