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Race conditions
Bug #: 1809
File: Postmaster Mail
Date: 08/11/16 07:14 AM
By: silvereyes
Status: Fixed
Steps to reproduce:
  1. Perform a Take All with a very full inbox
  2. Hit cancel (X) and then Take All (R) rapidly, in alternating succession
  3. Postmaster will get stuck with the Cancel (X) keybind active, but it won't do anything when pressed

Other report(s):

Baertram @Baertram 06:37
I sometimes have the feeling that Postmaster is not taking and deleting all mails that my hirelings send me. If I get 5 new mails containing smithing, clothing, woodworking and enchanting stuff, all containing attachments, and I press "Take all" -> All mail attachments will be taken and the mails will be deleted except the enchanting mail. It will stay empty in my mail inbox.
My settings are setup to "Do not delete empty system mails". Maybe the addon is taking the attachments and then it is handled as empty system mail, instead as one with attachments?
I'll keep this watched tomorrow with new hirelings. The last 2 days it kept my enchantment hireling mails.