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Keybind Still Not Working
Bug #: 188
File: Vicster's InventoryInsight
Date: 04/15/14 02:28 PM
By: ShinChuck
Status: Fixed

Hopefully that link works. It might be the same one I was getting before? I tried turning off all other addons and had the same result.

If that link/image doesn't work, let me know!

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By: TheLunk - 04/15/14 05:19 PM
Same error here, tonight, unfortunately...
By: Vicster0 - 04/15/14 05:37 PM
Hey Guys!

Thanks for submitting this bug. Unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce the problem on the current version of code.

Please do me a favor when you get a chance and post the first four lines from the InventoryInsight.lua file. The lines should read as follows:

Lua Code:
  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. --InventoryInsight.lua
  3. --Author: Vicster0
  4. --v0.1.1

I suspect that your local addon has not been updated properly. The current code available on ESOUI is version 0.1.1.

Look forward to hearing back from you.
By: ShinChuck - 04/15/14 05:57 PM
--Author: Vicster0

Ah hah. Apparently, it didn't update properly for me for some reason. I upgraded via Minion. Minion said it was v1.1, but the issue wasn't fixed. I manually installed it, and then it worked properly.

And just to make it weirder: after that, the "Update" button appeared on Minion, so I clicked it, it updated, and it's still working fine!
By: Vicster0 - 04/15/14 06:11 PM
Go check out the comments thread for the addon.

We figured it out. It's my fault... but yes it had to do with Minion. If you JUST updated it, it's because I re-uploaded it packaged correctly.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention though! I will be close this bug now.