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version 1.9.5 - UI Errors and Interference with E-Mail UI
Bug #: 1929
File: Master Merchant
Date: 02/20/17 08:15 PM
By: Shadowshire
Status: Unconfirmed
The following three images show MM 1.9.5 UI errors and interference with the operation of the E-Mail UI: UI Error Dialog 1 Interference with E-Mail UI UI Error Dialog 2

As a consequence, the only time that I can have MM enabled is while I am selling or buying items via the UI for Awesome Guild Store. Even then there is some risk of a UI Error dialog being displayed.

When I attempt to use items, open containers, etc. via the Inventory UI, one of the two UI Error messages is displayed -- sometimes the first one is displayed when I simply access the Inventory UI (Bags). UI Error Dialog 1 (above) has also been displayed when I attempted to deposit or to remove items to/from the Bank account. It hasn't interfered with the transfers of GP to/from the Bank or a Guild Bank.

The E-Mail UI shows an empty message field without any attachment while MM is enabled. After I disable it and reload the UI, the E-Mail UI will show the message field with an attachment (if there is one).

If you have any questions, then please e-mail @Shadowshire in-game.