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CraftStoreCook did not craft all drinks
Bug #: 1959
File: CraftStore Fixed and Improved
Date: 03/28/17 07:53 AM
By: queenmab
Status: Unconfirmed
I attempted to craft with 34 items, and should have gotten 132 drinks...I only got 102 drinks. I am max level in provisioning, have all points necessary for making 4 drinks per one set of mats, and have plenty of all four of the required mats necessary.

Dubious Camoran Throne - requires White Meat (100+), Beetle Scuttle (34), Insect Parts (400+), and Guts (1.4k).

I typed '34' in the 'Quantity' box, and clicked on my recipe. I walked away from the computer, so I did not see everything happening.

I also use Multicraft, but did not do anything with it in this scenario.
