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CraftStore No longer working
Bug #: 2004
File: CraftStore Fixed and Improved
Date: 05/24/17 09:22 PM
By: Briz59
Status: Unconfirmed
My absolute favourite AddOn!
I haven't been able to use CraftStore since Morrowind release, and I'm lost without it!

Error message:
user:/AddOns/CraftStoreFixedAndImproved/CraftStore_Styles.lua:43: operator + is not supported for nil + number
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/CraftStoreFixedAndImproved/CraftStore_Styles.lua:43: in function 'CS.STYLE'
user:/AddOns/CraftStoreFixedAndImproved/CraftStore_Events.lua:245: in function 'CS.OnAddOnLoaded'

Also, unable to reposition icon on screen:
CraftStoreFixed_ButtonFrameButtonBG_MouseUp:2: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
CraftStoreFixed_ButtonFrameButtonBG_MouseUp:2: in function '(main chunk)'

I normally use minion, but I even manually downloaded the latest and put it in the addons folder. Still the same.

Get this working again and I'll donate!!!

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By: Briz59 - 05/24/17 09:34 PM
I went back in and had a look. I completely uninstalled the older files, and manually put the new 25 May files back into the addons folder. I logged out and back in, and it seems to be working!
It does appear that it need to be done manually though. An update through Minion didn't fix it for me.

I'm still happy to donate though!
By: pnw - 06/11/17 03:21 PM
What exactly did you do to make it work? I'm having the exact same issue. I tried uninstalling from minion, downloading from here, and using that, but it still wouldn't work. I've also tried removing the live folder, recreate profile, and only install craftstore, but still same thing.