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DDS files won't work on macOS
Bug #: 2006
File: SkyShards
Date: 05/26/17 01:12 PM
By: Atlan
Status: Unconfirmed
macOS can't load the DDS files. PNG files however work fine.

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By: Atlan - 05/27/17 12:41 AM
I correct myself (again). PNG won't work either. What I noticed is that QuestMap has two icon sets. One set that work and one that does not. The sets are defined like this:


Quest Map
by CaptainBlagbird


QuestMap.iconSets = {
    QuestMap = {"QuestMap/icons/", "QuestMap/icons/"},
    ESO = {"/esoui/art/floatingmarkers/", "/esoui/art/icons/"},
The 2nd set works. I have been looking for the files mentioned but could not find them anywhere. But I noticed that those file too are DDS files. I suspect they are part of the system.

Looking deeper I noticed that with Direct3D 10 the DDS format was changed / extended.

So could it be that macOS can't load the newest format? And how can I could I convert them to an older format?
By: Atlan - 05/28/17 08:40 AM
I did one more experiment. I patched SkyShards.lua like this:

local pinTextures = {
	unknown = {
		[1] = "/esoui/art/progression/",
		[2] = "SkyShards/Icons/",
		[3] = "SkyShards/Icons/",
		[4] = "SkyShards/Icons/",
		[5] = "SkyShards/Icons/",
	collected = {
		[1] = "/esoui/art/progression/",
		[2] = "SkyShards/Icons/",
		[3] = "SkyShards/Icons/",
		[4] = "SkyShards/Icons/",
		[5] = "SkyShards/Icons/",
That looks ugly but at least it displays something on the map. I don't know what the difference is between the files provided from add-on and those provided by ESO but somehow one works and the other don't.

There is also a discussion on this: