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Unable to view Item Info / Sort by Sale Time
Bug #: 2071
File: Master Merchant
Date: 09/19/17 08:02 AM
By: IcyDeadPeople
Status: Unconfirmed
First Phil thanks so much for all your work on this amazing add on!

Recently I have been getting an error message when I try to switch from Seller Info to Item Info screen. As a result, I'm unable to see the item sales history.

I have tried refresh and /mm missing, reloadui and exit and load different characters. Not sure if this is relevant, but I use Master Merchant with two different ESO accounts. Been using master Merchant for a few years, only started experiencing this issue during the past week or two.

user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:61: operator < is not supported for number < string
stack traceback:
	user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:61: in function 'comparison'
	user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_Util.lua:18: in function 'MasterMerchant.shellSort'
	user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:60: in function 'MasterMerchant:SortByTime'
	user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:951: in function 'MMScrollList:SortScrollList'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_SortFilterList/ZO_SortFilterList.lua:137: in function 'ZO_SortFilterList:RefreshData'
	user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_Util.lua:524: in function 'RefreshData'
	MasterMerchantWindow_Show:4: in function '(main chunk)'
	[C]: in function 'SetHidden'
	user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:1660: in function 'MasterMerchant:ToggleViewMode'
	MasterMerchantWindowViewSizeButton_Clicked:3: in function '(main chunk)'

Sometimes it loads and I'm able to view the Item Info screen, but the items are in a kind of random order, so I am seeing only very old sales. If I try to sort by "Sale Time" I get a different error message:

TooltipControl: Attempt to set invalid or malformed link
Then if I close master merchant window, I get this error:

user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:1641: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
	user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:1641: in function 'MasterMerchant:ToggleViewMode'
	MasterMerchantWindowViewSizeButton_Clicked:3: in function '(main chunk)'
Is there something I need to do on my end to resolve this? (Delete saved variables perhaps?)

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By: Philgo68 - 09/26/17 01:46 PM
Try: /mm clean

Most likely some corrupt data in one of your files.