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Multiple writes locked in inventory
Bug #: 2154
File: Nirn Auction House
Date: 01/04/18 10:04 AM
By: tyc0746
Status: Awaiting Feedback

Have bought a few items, and that's all working fine - with the exception of one seller not completing sales.

My bug relates to selling items - specifically Writs.

Whenever I list one, the whole group are shown as locked in the inventory. i.e. if I have 12 'Sealed Woodworking Writs' and put one up for sale, then it shows all 12 as locked & for sale in the inventory (although only 1 shows in 'My Listings'.

I assume this is due to the names being identical and the only difference being in the description?


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By: tyc0746 - 08/18/18 07:34 AM
Sorry for the delay in responding, forgot that I'd listed two bugs.


By: Elo - 01/09/18 06:47 PM
can you link them to chat and copy and paste the links here (something like this |H1:item:119702:6:1:0:0:0:239:28:2:6:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:20000|h|h )

I have tested with multiple of the same type and even same writ value and haven't had this problem im hoping I can get more info when I see the specific writs you are having issues with