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Latest version 1.51 has inventory issues
Bug #: 2249
File: uespLog
Date: 06/03/18 10:18 AM
By: YazdigerdIV
Status: Unconfirmed
UESP member here - Accessing bank, stolen shipments, etc. throws this error:

EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:711: Attempt to access a private function 'PickupInventoryItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 3 stack frame(s) from the top.
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:711: in function 'TryBankItem'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:1510: in function 'INDEX_ACTION_CALLBACK'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlotActions.lua:96: in function 'ZO_InventorySlotActions:DoPrimaryAction'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/ItemSlotActionController.lua:30: in function 'callback'
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_KeybindStrip/ZO_KeybindStrip.lua:645: in function 'ZO_KeybindStrip:TryHandlingKeybindDown'
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?

Narrowed this down by toggling addons. Seems to be from today's update to the addon.

Thanks for all your hard work on this, btw.

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By: Uesp - 06/05/18 07:38 AM
I believe I have found the issue and it will be fixed in v1.52 (released later today).
By: Uesp - 06/04/18 07:42 AM
Are there any steps to reproduce this as I cannot seem to. I don't believe uespLog hooks or uses any of those functions in the stack so I'm not sure where the error would be coming from.