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repositioned action bar reverts to default position after skill window
Bug #: 2281
File: AUI Advanced UI FIX 4.0
Date: 08/07/18 11:58 AM
By: Belatar
Status: Unconfirmed

first of all thanks for updating the addon.

i repositioned my action bar with the addon and everything works fine except for one small qol issue. when i open the skill menu (to change skills on the action bar) and then close it, the action bar position is reset to the default position.
doing a reload fixes that. would be cool if the action bar always stayed in the configured position.

thanks again,

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By: Belatar - 08/09/18 08:18 AM
btw, i tried deactivating every other addon and the behaviour persists. it also happens after opening some other interfaces but i was unable to pin down the exact correlations.
By: Belatar - 08/09/18 08:32 AM
happens after using a waystone as well.