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LibCustomTitles.lua Errors
Bug #: 2282
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)
Date: 08/08/18 07:27 AM
By: Iftuga
Status: Fixed

I guess it is because of Unofficial Russian Translation "RuESO"

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By: DesertDwellers - 08/09/18 09:02 AM
No thank you. Had several people bring this up, but no one gave me enough information to figure out the issue.
By: Iftuga - 08/09/18 08:43 AM
By: DesertDwellers - 08/09/18 08:39 AM
Got a solution, will update shortly.
By: DesertDwellers - 08/09/18 07:26 AM
Nevermind, I loaded RuESO and it errored out for me. I have escalated to author of CustomTitles. If I do not get an answer today, I will disable that library and repost.
By: DesertDwellers - 08/09/18 07:06 AM
Thank you. Can you get me exactly what the error message says?
By: Iftuga - 08/09/18 04:33 AM
But if I disable RuESO it bug disappears
By: Iftuga - 08/09/18 04:31 AM
I do not think it is because of this now.
I just renamed my own tabs to english and bug still appears after restarting the game.
By: Iftuga - 08/09/18 04:17 AM
By: Iftuga - 08/09/18 04:17 AM
Installation does not help.
Can you try to name all of your chat tabs in russian?
Maybe it appears because of this.
By: DesertDwellers - 08/08/18 07:18 PM
I cannot reproduce this error, try reinstalling the add on. If you can give me more detail how to duplicate the error that would be great.