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sales and purchases not posting correctly
Bug #: 2500
File: Master Merchant
Date: 09/10/19 06:40 AM
By: kinkadek
Status: Unconfirmed
I use MM with Awesome guild store. I purchase Cyrodil maps, a lot. every day I hit most of the major trading centers with filters on so that i only see the cyrodil maps for sale, thats all i purchase on these rounds. When I go to MM to check my recent purchases, sometimes the map purchases are posted correctly, sometimes it reports wierd things that i would never purchase for gold amounts that do not correspond to my map purchases.

Here while back I ran into a stack of daedric thrones for sale. bought 99 thrones for something like 5000g. been selling them for 700g. i always (almost) keep a throne for sale in each of the 4 guilds that i belong to, i sell 3 or 4 a week. MM has their price set around 175gp and the graph that comes up with the tool tip NEVER shows my 700gp sales.