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I have sales records for an item, but no price is being calculated
Bug #: 2507
File: Master Merchant
Date: 10/01/19 12:40 AM
By: john98837
Status: Unconfirmed
I've been noticing a bug in MM where I will have sales data for an item but MM acts like it has no sales data for the item when it comes to calculating a price for AGS, stats to chat, and the tooltip. If I open up MM and search for the item in sales i find it just fine, so the data is there, its just not being used to calculate a price. An example of what I am talking about, yes i have MM tool tips enabled in this screenshot and they do work for other items:

After some digging in the MM saved vars I have managed to figure out what is causing the issue. This is a snip of the data saved in a non functional Fang Lair Bows motif. As you can see the first entry is labeled #16, then 17, then 2. It goes on from there and more was out of order, I can provide the full file if you want it.

                    [134759] = 
                        ["1:0:4:0:0"] = 
                            ["itemAdderText"] = "rr01 purple  epic  motif ",
                            ["itemDesc"] = "Crafting Motif 58: Fang Lair Bows",
                            ["itemIcon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/",
                            ["sales"] = 
                                [16] = 
                                    ["price"] = 8993,
                                    ["buyer"] = "@Olgarth",
                                    ["itemLink"] = "|H0:item:134759:5:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h|h",
                                    ["quant"] = 1,
                                    ["guild"] = "Shatner's Trade Dominion",
                                    ["seller"] = "@DrakennGlancer",
                                    ["id"] = "1164058359",
                                    ["timestamp"] = 1569588703,
                                    ["wasKiosk"] = true,
                                [17] = 
                                    ["price"] = 9000,
                                    ["buyer"] = "@heroofnone",
                                    ["itemLink"] = "|H0:item:134759:5:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h|h",
                                    ["quant"] = 1,
                                    ["guild"] = "Blackbriar Barter Co",
                                    ["seller"] = "@udrovhett",
                                    ["id"] = "1165021205",
                                    ["timestamp"] = 1569774300,
                                    ["wasKiosk"] = true,
                                [2] = 
                                    ["price"] = 12099,
                                    ["buyer"] = "@Ishkar_KC",
                                    ["itemLink"] = "|H0:item:134759:5:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h|h",
                                    ["quant"] = 1,
                                    ["guild"] = "Ethereal Traders Union",
                                    ["seller"] = "@Firlas",
                                    ["id"] = "1161896951",
                                    ["timestamp"] = 1569123663,
                                    ["wasKiosk"] = true,
Now I logged out, went into the file and changed the numbers to 1, 2, 3, ect all the way to 15 for the 15 sales i had so that they were all in order. This was the only change I made. Logged back in and the Fang Lair Bows price is being calculated by MM as it should.

I repeated this process for another item that was having the same problem, its sales order was also out of order and once I applied the same fix it worked perfectly. Not sure what causes items to have this happen, an item can work one day and then not work the next. Have had this on high volume items like upgrade mats also, but those seem to fix themselves in time. Haven't tested but my guess would be a new sale being recorded sorts the issue out in some way.

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By: john98837 - 10/01/19 08:51 PM
I have been able to confirm that once a new sale comes in for an item that was previously bugged it fixes the issue for that item.