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[LoreWear] Misrecognition problem in some urban buildings
Bug #: 2557
File: LorePlay Forever
Date: 01/26/20 03:28 AM
By: Calamath
Status: Fixed
Why take off town outfits in certain buildings in the city, such as Bank of Daggerfall?

This means that the LoreWear feature behaved as if you were in the wilderness, because in those buildings the game data indicates that you are somewhere in the wilderness of the same zone.

The ESOUI API does not have the ability to check whether a player character is in a building, so there is no solution at this time.

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By: Calamath - 01/30/20 02:46 AM
A new heuristic algorithm is now able to correctly recognized several large buildings in cities where players gather. Only a few of the very small buildings are not yet recognized as cities, but they are much more difficult to find.