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clutter in the presentation of the text
Bug #: 3447
File: FCO ItemSaver
Date: 06/03/21 12:12 PM
By: Akandakala
Status: Not a Bug
Does anyone have any idea where this may have come from? I have sequentially disabled my other addons without finding anything conclusive.

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By: Baertram - 06/03/21 12:46 PM
What do yoi talk about? What clutter in what text? Why should this be related to FCOItemSaver?
Screenshot and steps to reproduce please at the FCOIS addon comments, thank you
By: Baertram - 06/03/21 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Akandakala
Looks like I can't attach an image : it is here don't know how to put it in the text
Thanks for your answer
You need to put [ img] [ /img] (without spae after the [) around the image.

Please logout and update your library LibCustomMenu first.
Then check for each activated addon in the addon manager which of them use LibCustomMenu and disable them one after another.
Any of these addons is causing this.

Or search for LibCustomMenu in your live/AddOns folder via the Windows search function. Each addon having a txt file where ## DependsOn: or OptionalDependsOn: LibCustomMenu is found could be the one.

If you find the causing addon tell the dev in the addon comments to fix the context menu of LibCustomMenu in inventories please.
If they do not use and keybind they should simply "add contextmenu entries via AddCustomMenuItem function of LibCustomMenu".

If it's not any of these addons find out which one add entries to the inventory context menus and disable those to find out which one
By: Baertram - 06/03/21 02:07 PM
The cuplrit was the addon with embedded LibCustomMenu: