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Bug #: 348
File: Fully Customizable MultiQuests Tracker
Date: 04/23/14 10:35 AM
By: Zinni
Status: Game Bug (Cant fix)
Getting these errors on 2 of my 3 characters on start up. With the version you updated this morning/last night.

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By: Blackstorm - 04/23/14 02:50 PM
Should be a bug with version 0.43, now it's the 0.44, can you confirm the bug with the 0.44 release please ?
By: Blackstorm - 04/23/14 02:58 PM
Ok, having looked better, it seems to be version 0.44.

i will investigate.
By: Blackstorm - 04/23/14 03:07 PM
Humm "Achevement Tracker" should use the same way to generate the boxes.

Can you say if your error appear each time you log in ?
Can you check if the problem persist without other plugin in particulary with "Achevement Tracker" please ?

This will be a good lead for me thanks
By: Blackstorm - 04/23/14 10:10 PM
should be fixed in 0.45a.
By: Zinni - 04/24/14 01:45 PM
Yes i was using .44 and it was every time I'd log in. I see you have a new update. If problem persists I'll try disabling Achievement Tracker to see if they're fighting over anchors.
By: Zinni - 04/24/14 01:58 PM
v .45a is still giving me the error. Turned off achievement tracker, reloaded UI, logged out and back in, and still get the error.

It works on one of my characters. Just not the other two. Weird
By: Zinni - 04/24/14 02:01 PM
And just out of Elder Scroll games habit, I turned all addons off but this one and still got the error.
By: Blackstorm - 04/24/14 11:34 PM
Hi thanks for the feedback ^^ i will check the good mean to declare the default vars, but i saw some reload vars issue on magaserv US with US client langage.

Some time, i need to logout, clear the vars file, and restart the game (if you delete it in game, memory keep the values and rollback them when you do a /reloadui with the new content -> that generate error same if you do multiple /reloadui, or logout/login).

Otherwise, at this time, have 3 characters. 2 low level on US servers and one on the EU servers. Each time i swich between the 2 on US server i can't reproduce your bug.

But that i know, it's my declaration default var should be incorrect and i need to check it... ^^
By: Blackstorm - 04/24/14 11:40 PM
Note : another issue i find, is with "minion" i don't know why but the first time i try my plugin through it and update a local version, i had many errors... so i delete all the content (all the FCMQT directory, the FCMQT vars file, delete the package from minion, and re download it from it.. the errors have disappeared..)
By: Zinni - 04/25/14 06:44 AM
Well can't check latest version (.48) as US server is down right now. But to add to your last comment, I don't use minion. I do it the old fashioned way.

Went ahead and deleted the SV.lua for FCMQT. Hopefully that works with .48