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Malabal Tor add
Bug #: 355
File: LoreBooks
Date: 04/23/14 12:37 PM
By: Rouneice
Status: Already Reported
{ 0.479, 0.76, 27, 3, nil, nil }, --The Ooze: A Fable
{ 0.336, 0.675, 16, 6, 1, nil }, --The Firmament
{ 0.378, 0.273, 17, 6, 1, nil }, --Spirit of the Daedra

{ 0.773, 0.326, 13, 2, 1, nil }, --The Adabal-a
{ 0.648, 0.28, 18, 4, 1, nil }, --The Five Far Stars
{ 0.645, 0.312, 12, 11, 1, nil }, --Guylaine's Dwemer Architecture

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By: Garkin - 04/23/14 06:11 PM
already reported in bug #344