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UI Error on loot
Bug #: 408
File: Lootdrop, Continued (All in One)
Date: 04/25/14 12:43 AM
By: disabledhuman
Status: Fixed
whenever i loot anything other than gold i get a UI error. below is a copy of the UI error.

user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:469: operator - is not supported for number - nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:469: in function 'LootDrop:OnXPUpdated'
user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:219: in function '(anonymous)'

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By: Flagrick - 04/25/14 02:54 AM
Thx to have used this tool.
Bug Fix but not sure. I can't test it now.
==> 1.6.0.a