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Great addon. If not a bug can I request that the new toolbar restarts on login.
Bug #: 4358
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter
Date: 06/22/23 04:25 AM
By: mayhemaus
Status: Unconfirmed
Sometimes I collect the daily writs so that they are 'ready' then when I have more time, I log in again to complete them. The advantage here is that if it's past the daily writ reset time, I have a full set of dailies to do and then I can collect the fresh dailies and complete them also.
The problem is that when I log in again, the very handy toolbar won't reappear until I do one of the writs.

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By: mayhemaus - 06/28/23 08:20 AM
It is working now, after relogging into a character that has already accepted dailies, the toolbar appears with all writs in green, thanks.