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Editing the name of a saved favorite often replicates the change on another saved favorite entry
Bug #: 5311
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter
Date: 04/24/24 06:59 PM
By: Conrad_L
Status: Unconfirmed
I have a long list of favorites. I often create new favorites or edit the names of existing favorites. When I click the icon to edit the name of any saved favorite, make changes to the text, then press Enter, those changes I just made are often replicated on another saved favorite elsewhere in the list. I then have to edit the name of the other favorite and revert the change. Sometimes reverting the name change will provoke a third name change somewhere else on the list, which I then have to find and revert once again. The trigger for this bug happens upon pressing Enter after editing the name of any favorite in my long list of favorite (30+ favorite entries). It is not possible to predict upon which other favorite the replicated name change will appear, as it seems to be random. This bug only concerns the name of the entry on the favorites list; the item set settings on the main pane are not replicated. It just means that I sometimes don't notice these unintended name changes on my favorites list and since that name no longer correctly represents the item set, I must click through every entry trying to find the correct settings on the main pane.