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Does not update unless new research is started
Bug #: 607
File: AI Research Grid
Date: 05/07/14 07:44 AM
By: ESOSecret
Status: Unconfirmed
Ive tested this over the last several days. The grid does not update until I start a new research. This should update when the research is complete (At time of login, or when you go to the craft station).

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By: Mescalamba - 05/11/14 04:16 PM
I think it updates only when you craft. Or research presumably. But indeed a lot of times it didnt update and so things I crafted for research for my other chars were crafted for nothing, cause I already had it, it just didnt update.

IMHO, it should update EVERY time you log in with your character or log off from character. And also on crafting and research.

Thats if its doable. Right now, it has holes.. (good add-on nevertheless, just not 100% reliable).
By: Stormknight - 05/12/14 01:22 AM
I'm out of the country for a few days, but the current version ALWAYS checks the full status of all traits when you login as a character, so it should be fully up to date for that character.
By: Mescalamba - 05/14/14 03:02 PM
Well, thing is, it kinda "forgets" traits somehow. Those not displayed are not even those I researched last time, or time before that. Some of those traits not visible in view are weeks old. And since every time I play I check all my chars, it should be there.. but isnt.

Guess that doesnt help much, but its happening to me.
By: Stormknight - 05/14/14 03:46 PM
No worries, I just got home and will engineer some situations to check this out.l
By: Mescalamba - 05/15/14 04:22 PM
Its like if it randomly forgets few traits between last login and new login. If I check after I log in into character its there (or sometimes isnt). Or its there when I log in into different character (got 7 chars now).

Bad thing is, its completely random and I cant pinpoint "why" or "how"..
By: Stormknight - 05/16/14 01:46 AM
I'll check scenarios and nail it, so don't worry!

From memory, what's happening is:
1. When you login as a character, it reads the saved variables data for ALL characters into memory.
2. It then replaces the data for the current character with up-to-date data by requerying all craft/item/trait combinations.
3. When any new crafting is started/completes it SHOULD update that craft.
4. When you logout of that character, the saved variables automatically save.

Something must be going wrong here somewhere, so I'll just follow it through.