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    View Bug Report
    New item icon covered by research assistant icon, in grid view.
    Bug #: 632
    File: Inventory Grid View
    Date: 05/09/14 05:33 PM
    By: LurchUSA
    Status: Unconfirmed
    I have noticed that when you use research assistant and inventory grid view together, you get a problem with the exclamation, new icon display.

    The research assistant square, that sits in the top left corner of the box, covers the new item icon. This makes the display look bugged.

    Can you update your research assistant, to have an option to move the square to another corner of the box? Allow for "top left", "top right", "lower left" and "lower right".

    If not, simply more the square to the lower right, and that should fix the issue.

    Thanks for your work.