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Adding several players by RMB "Rate" command will not update rating list correctly
Bug #: 656
File: I Remember You
Date: 05/11/14 11:18 AM
By: Baertram
Status: Not a Bug
If you rate several players directly after another, by using the right mouse button from the chat menu -> "rate":

The last rated player will always be inserted at the top of the rating list. It will always overwrite the before added player (if you did not change the rating of the player before). If you rate a player then all added players from before will be finally shown

1. Chat->Player 1->RMB->Rate->Player 1 was added to rating list->Do not change the rating yet->Leave the rating list open
2. Chat->Player 2->RMB->Rate->Player 2 was added to rating list->Player 1 disappears from the rating list->Do not change the rating yet
3. Chat->Player 3->RMB->Rate->Player 3 was added to rating list->Player 2 disappears from the rating list->Change the rating to 3 stars->Player 1 and 2 appear again without rating, and player 3 appears with 3 stars

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By: Baertram - 05/11/14 11:19 AM
It seems as if the right mouse button -> "rate" function will open the rating list but clear it totally, only showing the currently added player.
After you change the rating of this new/existing player all other players from before will be shown again.
By: BadVolt - 05/11/14 03:19 PM
Yes. Adding player with RMB-Rate will add it to player database and then filter all data except this, newly added player.
I will make it more clear in my future updates.