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UI error thrown when attempting to recharge a weapon.
Bug #: 669
File: Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)
Date: 05/12/14 11:31 AM
By: GrfxGawd
Status: Fixed
When the arrow moves over the gem to recharge a weapon it immediate and EVERY time throws error as seen in screenshot. Disabling addon and reload UI allows you to charge weapon.

By the way, a pain in the butt to use this to report an error. Would have posted over a week ago if it had been more trivial a process.

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By: Wobin - 05/13/14 06:48 AM
I couldn't actually replicate it, but I put in some code that should fix it for you.
By: Wobin - 05/12/14 07:06 PM
I'll investigate, but for the moment, turning off the 'experimental matching' should allow you to continue normally. It's not really applicable on the English client.

Are you coming through ESOUI to debug, or Curse?