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Clicking on the "1" symbol in the guild bank window show LUA error
Bug #: 677
File: MobileBank
Date: 05/13/14 02:45 PM
By: Baertram
Status: Awaiting Feedback
I'm just in 1 guild at the moment!

I open the guild bank window and see the guild's name + a "1" right to it.
If I click on the "1" the following error appears:
bad argument #1 to 'table.sort' (table/struct expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'table.sort'
	user:/AddOns/MobileBank/MobileBank.lua:471: in function 'MB.SortPreparedValues'
	user:/AddOns/MobileBank/MobileBank.lua:340: in function 'MB.PrepareBankValues'
	user:/AddOns/MobileBank/MobileBank.lua:226: in function '(anonymous)'
Afterwards every next click/mouse wheel movement inside the guild bank window will raise other errors like e.g.:

user:/AddOns/MobileBank/MobileBank.lua:445: operator # is not supported for # nil
stack traceback:
	user:/AddOns/MobileBank/MobileBank.lua:445: in function 'MB.FilterBank'
	user:/AddOns/MobileBank/MobileBank.lua:539: in function 'MB.MoveScrollerWheel'
	17069381821626998075:3: in function '(main chunk)'

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By: BadVolt - 05/13/14 03:38 PM
Hm. Can you pls take a screenshot of window with this "1" number?