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LibDebug Swallowing Errors during parsing of .lua files
Bug #: 696
File: BugEater (formerly LibDebug)
Date: 05/17/14 03:35 AM
By: zgrssd
Status: Fixed
I just spend some time trying to figure out why my addon was seemingly "silently ignored". Before I jsut disabeled LibDebug and noticed that there a syntax error in the .lua file, but as long as libDebug is enabeled it will not be shown.
To verify it is really libDebug I wrote a small Addon with intentially faulty .lua file

## Title: LibDebug Bug Tester
## APIVersion: 100003
## OptionalDependsOn: LibDebug

(Yes, this file is just a closing bracket. I wanted to cause a syntax error after all)

Without libDebug enabeled I get the expeted Syntax error (Line 1: unexpected Symbol near ')')
With libDebug enabeled I get...nothing. The Addon is seemingly silently ignored, no exception message, no indication what is happening.
This is pretty bad as I do need LibDebugs ability to expose Pre-Init d() messages for my addon development. So I have to switch it on/off to get the Syntax errors or my d() messages, never both.

Version per LibStub Call: "LibDebug", 1.0 (only the standalone version is installed if the search for LibDebug.lua is to be trusted).

LibDebug Settings:
Supress Error Dialog: Off
Show Erros in Chat: On
Suprees d() in Chat: Off
Pre-Init: On

I did notice that with Pre-Init Debug on the Setting for "Supress Error Dialog" starts off as On, before being set to off when my settings are loaded. Chances are this bug is hitting there.

Note: I noticed that I had some other issues with Exceptions being swallowed unless I turn off the supression of native error Dialog. Hence I disabeled it by default (only enabling it when I need to paste the text somewhere). If the problem reappears I will write a seperate Bug Report for it.

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By: zgrssd - 05/24/14 06:05 PM
Works like a charm now.
By: thelegendaryof - 05/24/14 11:10 AM
What lasts long get 's finally fixed. Checkout Version 1.0 - R6 - it should be working properly now!
By: thelegendaryof - 05/17/14 06:53 AM

thanks for the report I noticed the same behavior once. I already have an idea what 's causing this odd behavior. I'll try to push a fix within the next week (currently occupied with to much workload).

By: zgrssd - 05/17/14 03:40 AM
Forgot the Client Version:
EU client.