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Still Not Enough Padding for ToolTips Within Insight Window
Bug #: 717
File: Vicster's InventoryInsight
Date: 05/19/14 10:39 PM
By: Sp00sty
Status: Unconfirmed
I just installed 5.1 to see what those new paddings looked like but I still have a problem where the top few tootips still overlap the item sort buttons.

DO I need to do something to fix this? All my updates are manual, do I need to delete the old addon first? Or delete the saved variables?

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By: Sp00sty - 05/19/14 10:42 PM
P.S. That is with the Insight Frame UNLOCKED and roughly mid screen.
By: Sp00sty - 05/19/14 10:52 PM
P.S.S. I just played with it and after thinking about how it works, don't change it if I'm the only one noticing it.

The tooltip does disappear as soon as you get far enough away from the item. And I can still scroll with my mousewheel while tootips are popped up.

There is a moment that it gets in the way when I'm working with a lot of inventory, but I can live with it without making extra work for you.
By: Vicster0 - 05/20/14 05:15 AM
Hey Sp00sty, the padding feature that was added was to minimalize the extra padding at the bottom of the default and inventory insight tooltips. :P

As far as the spacing between the frame and the tooltips that get generated, as you pointed out, it shouldn't get in the way of anything on the right since as soon as you move your mouse in that direction the tooltip will go away. :P That being said, I can probably put some extra space between the frame and the tooltip.