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Wrong character names in friends list
Bug #: 725
File: Thurisaz Guild Info
Date: 05/20/14 04:08 PM
By: Migoda
Status: Fixed

i got a problem with v0.4 and the new friendlist feature. When more than one friend is online the character names are displayed wrong. UserIDs are paired with the subsequent UserIDs char name.

How it should be:
<UserID1> <charname of UserID1>
<UserID2> <charname of UserID2>
<UserID3> <charname of UserID3>

How it is displayed:
<UserID1> <charname of UserID2>
<UserID2> <charname of UserID3>
<UserID3> <empty>

This is related to the friendlist only, in the guild roster it works fine.

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By: Froali - 05/22/14 11:08 AM
Thanks for your report. I can confirm this behaviour. Its caused by a missing update, when the friendlist is opened. I will fix it in the next patch.
Until then an forced update (sort order, scroll, search by name) of the list will give you the correct names.
By: Migoda - 05/21/14 03:01 AM
Some things to add after a few more tests:

- Number of friends online is irrelevant, happens with just one friend online too
- Its not always the same pattern as posted above, sometimes its random
- When i change the sorting (online, alliance etc.) it seems to update properly with the correct names