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Junk List Resetting on Crash
Bug #: 89
File: ins:JunkYard
Date: 04/07/14 08:40 PM
By: kbh1301
Status: Game Bug (Cant fix)
I marked a few items on the junk list throughout the day and had a random game crash. Running on the mac client, so this unfortunately happens rather frequently at the moment. After coming back into the game, I checked the list with /junkyard list mark and it was empty! I noticed this happened yesterday at some point as well, but I wasn't quite sure if I could get it to happen again.

Thanks for all of your hard work! Looking forward to future updates.

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By: ins - 04/07/14 08:55 PM
Sorry to hear that. :\

I think the junk list (like all savedvariables) is only saved during a /reloadui or when you logout so I am not sure if there is a way to force the junk list to be saved at other intervals. I'll have to ask in the forums to find out

Thanks for the feedback.
By: kbh1301 - 04/07/14 10:00 PM
Ahh bummer. Well thanks for the reply! At least I know how to save now!