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After last patch AddonClearer disable itself if you press "Unselect All"
Bug #: 896
File: Addon Clearer
Date: 06/27/14 09:48 AM
By: Garkin
Status: Fixed

two issues to report:
  1. As you have changed title of the addon, it now "Unselect All" button now unselect even this addon. To fix this issue you have to change line 4 in AddonClearer.lua:
    Lua Code:
    1. table.sort(, function(a,b) return == "AddonClearer" end) -- In place sorting. oh dear
    ( ->
  2. If you press addon buttons, default "Reload UI" button does not show. To fix this issue you have to add this line to the AddonClearer:SetAddons(...) function:
    Lua Code:
    1. ZO_AddOnManager.isDirty = true

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By: CrazyDutchGuy - 06/28/14 11:33 AM
confirmed, fixed, pats Garkin on the back, thanks
By: Garkin - 06/28/14 09:55 AM
Issue 2: Do not click on any checkbox and press keybind for "Unselect All". This should be a reason to show Reload UI button.
By: CrazyDutchGuy - 06/28/14 08:53 AM
Issue 1 is fixed

Issue 2 isn't as I can't reproduce. Reload UI button just displays when there is a reason to reloadUI (select/deselect addon(s))