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    View Feature Request
    Option to reverse color change for Horse and Crafting in settings
    Feature #: 119
    File: Wykkyd Framework Suite
    Date: 04/16/14 03:29 AM
    By: RavenDT
    Status: Wont add Feature
    I noticed that the WF_ColorScale_RedGreenPowerMeter function in Util.lua accepts a Boolean value for its third argument "reverseMe" and the two functions that call it are hardcoded true.

    Would it be possible to add a line in the settings dialog to configure this option?

    Maybe it would be easier to remove the third argument and instead make the reverseMe option global and have it set in settings and saved in SVs, then any function that calls WF_ColorScale_RedGreenPowerMeter would be the way users would like it.

    Thank you. :D