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Anchor grip should be one row of a looted item
Feature #: 139
File: Lootdrop, Continued (All in One)
Date: 04/18/14 02:09 AM
By: Flagrick
Status: Feature Implemented
Originally Posted by Insanyti
I would like to request that the anchor for the addon be made to represent not an entire area but one row of a looted item to let us know more precisely we are placing these wonderful notifications. What would be even more amazing is if this one item loot example could reflect the actual dimensions for width and height we have chosen. (Currently, to get these popups where I'd really like them I've having to loot something, adjust, loot something, adjust....since it does fade eventually lol.)

This would also make placing options much more plentiful.
I had tried moving the anchor to the left side of the screen, near the top, but when I hit escape to get into Settings in order to re-lock it in place, I realized I couldn't click through the anchor to get it locked if I wanted it there

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By: Flagrick - 04/23/14 02:11 PM
I will not do exactly what you describes (one row of a looted item as grip),
but i will add a little Movable windows to lock/unlock the main frame without being bother by menu settings
By: Flagrick - 05/01/14 02:00 AM
done a part of the requst in 1.6.1
i do not plan to do more