View Feature Request
Create public API
Feature #: 1520
File: Craft Bag Extended
Date: 08/12/16 10:50 AM
By: silvereyes
Status: Feature Implemented
Create some simple one-line helper functions. For all functions that take a quantity, passing nil will assume the max stack size.

Transfer from craft bag:

To backpack: takes craft bag slot index and quantity, and callback with backpack slot index
To mail attachment: takes craft bag slot index and quantity, and callback with backpack slot index and attachment slot index
To guild bank: takes craft bag slot index and quantity, a callback with backpack slot index, and a callback with guild bank slot index, when each transfer is done, respectively
To trade offer: takes a craft bag slot index and quantity, a callback with backpack slot index and trade slot index

Transfer to craft bag:

From backpack: takes backpack slot index and quantity, and callback with craft bag slot index
From guild bank: takes guild bank slot index, a callback with backpack slot index, and a callback with craft bag slot index, when each transfer is done, respectively. Will override the setting to not auto-transfer to craft bag.