View Feature Request
Add search for traits
Feature #: 1546
File: Item Set Browser
Date: 10/07/16 03:33 AM
By: hydroseven
Status: Feature already added
Hi ,
Addon is awesome !! great work ,
It would be great to have a search feature for traits.

The very same way the search for name works it would be great to have an additional box (or the same) where we could type "stamina" or "speed" for exemple and only the sets with the word typed in their traits shows.

That would be the perfect addition in order to quickly choose sets and go after them :)


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By: hydroseven - 10/16/16 02:28 PM
I just saw in minion You did it !!! I haven't looked at it in game yet but I'm sure it's perfect. Thanks a million for considering and implementing the suggestion.
By: code65536 - 10/15/16 10:58 PM
This feature will be added in version 1.1.0.