View Feature Request
Check with community language pack maintainers
Feature #: 1727
File: LibCraftText
Date: 10/26/18 10:25 PM
By: ziggr
Status: Under Review
  • Seed a localization file with their translations
  • Ask them to continue using that same translation

So that this library can work in Russian and other languages:
  • ES Spanish
  • IT Italian
  • RU Russian
  • JP Japanese

2018-10-26 from Phinix
Originally Posted by Phinix
This is a really good idea, kudos. :)

ESO has only three 'official' language modes: English, French, and German. Any other client language relies on 3rd party language pack addons. These translations are created by the community and subject to change, and in some cases there might be multiple different language packs (Japanese for example) to choose from. If an addon looking to track writs doesn't see exactly the right text in the quest name or status, which could be likely with custom translations, then the entire writ tracking functionality of that addon will not work when using that language pack.

Having a library to standardize the text strings used by writ quests to indicate requirements or completion status within each of these community language pack addons would greatly ease the work of other addon authors having to download each custom language pack in turn and find the string (if any) assigned to these values manually (and each time the language packs are updated in perpetuity).

What will ultimately be required for this to be relevant however is contacting the authors/maintainers of each community language pack (Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese) and convincing them to adopt this library as the standard for translating these select writ strings within their mods, providing any corrections as needed. That way any addon tracking writ quests could simply and reliably do so in any supported language with minimal additional and repeated upkeep work otherwise required to ensure text string matching didn't break over time and language addon updates.