View Feature Request
Additional configuration options(unit frames)...
Feature #: 177
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC)
Date: 04/22/14 09:08 AM
By: ecse
Status: Under Review
Please add additional configuration options for the buffs and unit frames:

- Size / Scale / Alpha of the frames (some times it is difficult to see them in combat).
- Configurable auto hide of player frame.
- Configurable long buff alerts in the status alerts frame.

Thank you for your great addon and sorry if something of this is already implemented and I missed it!

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By: Aalwein - 05/07/14 06:28 PM
Scaling would be a good option to add that really doesn't qualify as bloat imo. Especially after the latest update to the look of the frames - they are a little bit large for my taste.
By: Atropos - 04/22/14 11:37 AM
Some of this stuff will happen over time, but I want to avoid "option bloat" where everything under the sun needs its own option. I think (at this point) the alpha of the unit frames will happen for sure, as I get a lot of requests for this. I'll see about the others.