View Feature Request
Option to hide anchor error
Feature #: 375
File: BugEater (formerly LibDebug)
Date: 05/21/14 04:12 PM
By: Fing3rz
Status: Feature Implemented
An option to hide the notorious "Too many anchors processed" error. Specifically from the chat window.

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By: thelegendaryof - 06/01/14 05:46 AM
Seems like there are two kind of anchor errors - one that happens when the game is loaded and one before. They're both named slightly different
- I'll push a patch that should fix it.

Thanks for the report. Cheers!
By: Fing3rz - 05/31/14 09:44 PM
So lately it has stopped hiding the anchor error. Have "anchors" added to the custom error filter and I have suppress all gui warnings turned on.
By: Fing3rz - 05/23/14 10:09 AM
Ty. Great idea. Works like a champ!
By: thelegendaryof - 05/23/14 07:48 AM
Released R5 which brings Custom Filters for both the Addon-Output as well as for Errors.

You can use those for any future Errors or Output you want to hide that I don't catch by default.

By: thelegendaryof - 05/23/14 05:36 AM
Hold on for the next version - I'll add customizable filters for both Errors and Warnings with Regex support in that as well
By: Fing3rz - 05/22/14 10:13 PM
Too many anchors processed.
Too many anchors processed.

It posted twice. Once a few seconds after i logged in and once when I hit esc and clicked settings.
By: thelegendaryof - 05/22/14 01:48 PM
I've uploaded R4 which will has an option to suppress any Gui Warnings including this one - and should be ready for the new Patch v1.1.2
By: Fing3rz - 05/22/14 01:12 PM
I failed to make the distinction between warning and error. My bad. Ty
By: thelegendaryof - 05/22/14 12:52 PM
Ah seems like that 's not a proper error rather then a warning message!
I'll see that I implement another option to hide that specific warning in a minute.
By: Fing3rz - 05/22/14 12:51 PM
servers are down atm(obviously). but that is a copy-paste straight from the interface.log