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    View Feature Request
    Show Counter of traits known for Item in Icon Tooltip
    Feature #: 382
    File: Research Assistant (Find your researchable items)
    Date: 05/22/14 09:46 AM
    By: zgrssd
    Status: Flagged for Future Version
    Adding stuff to the normal Tooltip is propably too hard. But I noticed that you do have a "Icon Tooltip" (default off, I keep it on).
    It can also have quite a relevance how many traits are already known/in research for that item class. Something that needs a week to reserach might not be worth keeping in inventory while something that only needs 6 hours would be.

    At the simplest level a counter of Traits already known+ones being reserached for this item class is enough.
    At the top level it could be a estimation of nessesary reasreach time, including Skill Based Reductions on the time. But I would be happy with the simplest level.

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    By: ingeniousclown - 05/22/14 10:02 AM
    I quite like this idea.

    Honestly, I think the icon tooltips were a dumb idea because all of the icons I use are easily learnable and fairly obvious, given a minimal amount of thinking and correlation. This would make the tooltips informative and relevant rather than just obvious information.