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Orientation Option (UI) & Research Knowledge Modification
Feature #: 417
File: Research Buddy
Date: 06/06/14 03:58 PM
By: Zyaedra
Status: Flagged for Future Version

I have to commend you on this awesome add-on, it's very useful!

Suggestion for an additional UI option:
There is one option that would make the Research Buddy UI window a bit more functional--an orientation option for the fly/popup window. This would allow the menu bar to be placed anywhere on the screen without the fly/popup window being cut off (have options to orient the window up, down, left, and right; AND/OR have it automatically change orientation depending on where the edge of the screen is). Currently, this bar is forced to be on the left hand side of the screen or somewhere in the center.

Suggestion for the Research knowledge window:
This window is awesome--lets us see what we know all on one screen, love that. It would be nice if the traits we are currently researching would have a different color than those we know. :-)
I was able to add this in by changing only the UI file:
I changed if (researchInfo.known) then to:
if (researchInfo.remaining > 0) then
elseif (researchInfo.known) then
Again, awesome add-on, thanks for creating it! :-)

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By: Zyaedra - 06/06/14 03:59 PM
I originally posted this under the comments this morning. Sorry for any confusion.
By: Zyaedra - 06/08/14 08:26 PM
Optimization for the code changes I posted:

Nest the remaining check in the knows check, like this:

if (researchInfo.known) then
if (researchInfo.remaining > 0) then ......
By: thifi - 06/14/14 05:53 AM
I will take a look at your changes and add them to the release. Thanks for helping out! As far as orientation goes... I'm rewriting the whole thing from scratch, so this can be added to the next major release.

By: Zyaedra - 06/16/14 11:26 AM
Rewriting the whole thing sounds overwhelming! I hope you find it to be fun at least :-)

I wanted to share my most recent update to your Research Knowledge panel:
-- Is the trait known?
if (researchInfo.known) then
-- Is the trait currently being researched?
if (researchInfo.remaining > 0) then
-- Show the viewer the trait is currently being researched.
-- Show the viewer the trait is learned.
else -- The trait is not known.
local itemContainer = RES_BUD.SavedVars.ItemsToResearchContainer:listItemsByResearchKey(resKey)
-- Does the viewer have an item available to use to research this trait?
if (itemContainer == nil) then
-- Show the viewer the trait is not known and they have an item available to research it with.
-- Show the viewer the trait is not known and they do not have an item available to research it with.
The modification to the known check hasn't changed since the last time I modified it, but I didn't include the full code in my optimization reply so I figured I'd show you the full thing :-)

The most recent modification is to the unknown trait icon--deeper red for traits we don't know but have items for; nearly black for items we don't know and don't have items for.

Happy coding :-)
By: Zyaedra - 06/16/14 11:50 AM
The only other piece of info I would love to access directly from the Research Knowledge panel is how much time is left on items currently being researched, or what the date & time will be when the research is finished. The only way I can envision this working is by mousing over the cells with traits that are currently being researched, then the information being in the window that pops up.

Note: I don't think this would cause the Researches In Progress panel to be unneeded--there are uses for having this list too :-)
By: thifi - 06/25/14 04:23 PM
The Knowledge Panel related changes are now in v1.08. Thanks for the help!

I'm going to implement orientation related stuff in the next major update.